Thursday, June 4, 2009

Best Business Jargons (PART 1)

Here flows some business jargons you may find useful: and mortar
This means you are doing online as well as traditional ways of business.In other words you being traditional also explore the latest oppertunities be it in IT etc...
2.All eggs in one basket
This means you must not put all your strategic ideas in one direction.for example all your money put into a stock (ex: Satyam (SAY) :-)) will make you a beggar in a single day
Literally this means you must divide your eggs into different basket so that even if one falls you have some left to survive.
3.Hot seat
Earlier used to discrive "electric chair" used in US prisons for execution
This mean one in a "Hot seat" is in a dangerours stage/position.
4.Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight
This can be used as a caution message.For Negotitaions,planning etc... you must be planned well,understand the opponent,have the skills and resources to match him.Going to grab a deal without homework may kill the deal.
5.Test the Waters
Take a test before launching it.Make a BETA before ORIGINAL VERSION and see the response.
6.Think outside the box
This means to think above and explore - imagine and invent
7.Low hanging fruit
Lets focus on the easy part first than attacking the ones.Low hanging fruits are easy to pluck.
8.Magic Bullet/wand
Best solution.Magic solution for your problems
Pragmatic guy who makes stuff work,make things happen
10.Shotgun approach
Scattered approach.Things not being clear take a wide view
11. Helicopter view
A summary of an issue.
12.Zero sum game
Someone wins but some one loose too and finally there it is a DUECE.Zero net profit.Waste of time.
13.Arrows to fire
No more questions? If one finished with all his "need to know" stuff - can ask any more arrows left?
14.Rolling the tortoise
Tortoise moves slowly.Adding more resources to make it move/roll .
15.Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes
Create an opperunity and see who "sees" it.If you can see the flag - then you will salute it.

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